Monday, October 11, 2021


Before I start, I must admit that the only reason I wanted to see this movie was because it is called infinite. But I had seen the trailer too and it seemed more or less interesting, so here we are. Let's start. 

"Who wants to live forever?" I reside with Queen on this subject, I wouldn't want to live forever. I guess everyone comes across with this idea in life at least once. I remember when was in primary school, there was a discussion about how you can be immortal---you will die for sure, so you could create an art piece or something to make your name immortal. Being immortal, or having eternal life, has a lot of implications. I came across with this subject in other shows before, like Doctor Who and Lucifer. 

In Doctor Who, there is a character who has immortality. What happens after some time is that the person becomes more and more sad because all the loved ones are passing but also the person becomes a bad person over time, loses the sense of morality. When I observed what happens to this character in this show, I really agreed with the screenwriters. Their point was that even though the person is immortal, it's still the same body over many life times, in particular, it is the same brain. So eventually, after certain number of lifetimes, the person doesn't even remember what kind of person he/she used to be to start with. I think this is an accurate depiction of what would happen if a human had immortality. 

Similarly in Lucifer, the show takes on the case of Cain (from the Bible)---he is cursed to walk the earth and so he was on Earth ever since, living many many life times. What happens is, he gets sick of being immortal, he just wants to die. So, being immortal is actually a curse contrary to common sense where people envy being immortal. 

In this movie, Infinite, they take on the same subject. According to the movie's story there are certain individuals on earth who are immortal in the following sense: when they die they are born again in another body. So it is pretty much reincarnation, but in the movie, not everybody has this. And the people with this "gift" are smart enough (or train themselves) to remember their previous lives to establish a collective knowledge. Basically, they have eternal lives, but I guess they couldn't call the movie that (because of Marvel implications), but called it infinite because they have infinitely many life times? It is extra sad for me when certain math related terminology is inaptly used. 

There are two groups of people within this kind of gifted individuals. Some of them wants to use their knowledge to help humankind, some of them wants to eradicate all life on earth sometimes. The first group has the vibes of Eternals from Marvel comics, the second group is exactly like Thanos in Endgame---let me eradicate all life. In fact, almost every idea in this movie was just like imitating other successful movies. The main character somehow did not remember his previous lives and most of the movie he did not know who he was---very much like what happens in Bourne movies. 

The main character was played by Mark Wahlberg. In the trailer, they made it look like Mark Wahlberg is such a big guy, very well-known and famous. I actually did not recognize the name at all. When I looked it up, the only movie he was in that was familiar to me was The Shooter, which again wasn't an extremely famous movie. Later, I learned Chris Evans was going to play the main character but he had to drop out because he was filming another show at the time, and so they have found Mark Wahlberg instead of him. It was probably one of the best things that happened to Chris Evans---definitely a good thing he didn't do this movie. Okay, maybe if he was in it, the movie would become a bit better but the story of the movie is the same, so I don't think it would catch a huge success.

In conclusion, this movie is more like a wanna-be movie than being its own movie. Let me combine ingredients from movies that have been already successful and make a soup movie (!). I can't think of a single original thing in this movie. I am usually in for action-packed stuff, so I watched it, but it is really an unsuccessful movie. It is extra sad when a movie named with a math term is unsuccessful. And, they have the infinity sign, which looks like a Mobius strip, on the movie poster too---such a shame. 

I give this movie 5/10 and that's only because I have a soft heart when it comes to action movies.

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