Monday, September 20, 2021

The Suicide Squad

The second suicide squad movie. The first one was just called Suicide Squad, without the "the"---I know, how clever and how different (!). It is almost like having the name Shang and changing it into Shaun for disguise. Oops, what's that? Oh, that might have been a spoiler for another movie. 

There was a point in time where I didn't know about the DC "universe". Well, I heard about them, of course, but I didn't really watch the movies. I always heard this debate going on: Are DC movies better or the MCU? Somehow, there were DC fans and MCU fans, and, they were separate.

First DC movie I watched was Batman vs. Superman. So if you know your DC movies, you can tell how many I had missed. First MCU movie I watched was probably Iron Man 2, but did I watch any other after that? No. In fact, the first Star Wars movie I watched was Rogue One, which isn't even one of the main ones. So I confirm here that I am not a geek or nerd for any of these series, or for any movies at all actually. Of course, this doesn't mean I didn't know about Darth Vader or lightsabers, it is pretty much common knowledge to know these things.

Coming back to present day, I think the first Suicide Squad movie was better than the second Suicide Squad movie. Going back to the debate, I think Marvel movies are much better than DC movies. Though, that won't stop me from watching DC movies. As you can see, I am still following the new DC movies. 

In The Suicide Squad, there was a lot of disgusting images. Just because there is killing doesn't mean you have to make it disgusting. I think somehow it also has something to do with the colour choices they've made for the blood. What I look for in a movie is meaning, not pure disgusting images. If there wasn't any built-up to a character why would you spend time on showing its death for so long? I don't mind the killing and fighting scenes that much, I actually like the action. 

This is the new squad, so the members differ from the previous one. They introduced some animal-like creatures, which can be harshly criticized as "trying to be like Marvel" but I won't do that. I will say that I like Harley Quinn. I'd definitely have liked the movie more if her character took more parts in it. She was in it quite a bit though, so it wasn't so bad. I also liked the small touch about how she was trying to get away from toxic men (after Joker, yeah, that makes sense). There was a girl whose ability was to control rats. Nothing wrong with that, but apparently the movie makers thought she was "the heart of the movie". When I read this, I did not like what I read. I disagree with it but also I don't like the way they put it in words. They must mean she is the emotional piece of the movie, because she is definitely not the most important part of it. 

There was one character which was really interesting, the Polka-dot man. I wish there were more about him in the movie. He dies in the movie, too, so he won't be in any other movies probably. I think the producers also noticed this character was special and tried to draw his story alongside the movie's plot line. However, the movie can only be so long and it wasn't possible to go into much detail. 

What I think of the movie: If it was a 2008 movie, I would think of it as a great movie. Alas, we are in 2021. The movie has a theme like "let's save earth from this alien invasion" with small touches of "oh but aliens are still life forms too so we must be respectful". The story coverage, the messages they want to give, it is all like David Tennant's Doctor Who (which is nice by the way) but since it has been done already, it is not nice for these people to do it again. For me, this is in the past. This isn't what I expect to see in contemporary movies and I don't need those messages to be given to me, I already had them. 

I give 4/10. I wouldn't recommend spending any money to see this movie. I also wouldn't recommend spending any time seeing this movie. But if you really have time and you'd like to complete your seen DC movies and be up-to-date, it might be okay to watch it. But again, if you are nothing like me when it comes to movies, maybe you will love this movie. I must also confess that the disgusting images actually get better later in the movie, so I was okay with it too after a while.

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